Friday, March 16, 2007

Join Agloco for free

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Agloco Introduction

Agloco is the first Internet based economic network, which enables you as a Member to get your share of the internet. The company was created by the same founders of AllAdvantage, an online company which paid out more then 120 million in online advertising revenue to its members. The company has managed to stir up quiet a buzz and their business model is being recognized by a lot of key players, Bill Gates himself has been quoted saying "Microsoft will soon start sharing a portion of their advertising revenue with our members".

Agloco's goal is to reach 10 million members by July 1st, 2007 and is set to go public on the London stock exchange shortly after. Once the company goes public their members will be able to see how much their shares will be worth, this is very important because the company will be paying their members not only in cash but in company shares as well.

There are several way's in which this company will be making money online and there are several way's in which the member's will be able to take their share of that money, because the company is not going to be paying everyone equally, we as members or future members need to understand how they are going to be making money and how we are each going to be taking our share.

Here are some examples of how to make money online with the help of the members. In the following examples I will be referring to something called a Viewbar, the Viewbar is not yet available for download but is set to be released in march 1st week when Agloco goes public and is what you'll need to use in order to make more money.

1) Search - Every time you use the Viewbar to do an Internet search, the company makes money from the search engine providers.

2) Advertising - The Viewbar itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you're visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, the company receives a referral fee, which they then pass on to the members.

3) Transaction commissions - Many retailers are paying commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. Agloco collects that commission and passes it on to the members.

4) Software distribution - Software companies will pay Agloco to encourage the download of new software releases and trial versions of new programs.

5) Service distribution - Many online service providers will look to Agloco members as a source of new and active users for their services.

6) Product distribution - When members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, Agloco will collect a referral fee.

So now that we know how the company will be making money for their members we next need to understand how we as members can claim our share of that money. Here are some examples of the way's in which you as a member or future member will be able to cash in on more money.

1) You earn a monthly share of the total revenue based on the use of the Viewbar that month. (As of December 22, 2006 Agloco states that for each hour surfed you will gain one share up to a maximum of 5 hours surfed per month).

2) You earn part of the company based use of the Viewbar that month.

3) The members who use the referral system to help build the community will earn more, for example since the max amount you can earn with the Viewbar is five shares per month (equal's 5 hours surfed), each time you refer someone and they use the Viewbar for five hours per month, you will gain one extra share for each hour (To a maximum of 5 hours) that they surfed, additionally this goes one level deeper to sub-referral's.

4) As a member you will also get a share of any commissions the company gets when another member purchases a product or service from a sponsor company.

As you can see from the above examples it is really easy to earn money and having such a strong background in online business there reputation stands higher then any other paid to surf program around.

Some of the key benefit's to becoming a member is that it's 100% free to join, they never require any protective personal information like bank or credit card numbers, they have created an extremely secure system in which the Viewbar is being ranked extremely high, there giving away 90% of their stock's to the members, and you are making money for doing very little work.

With so many large companies becoming involved with Agloco it earns them respect as well as trust from new members, we can all feel very secure knowing that this is not a scam and has the ability to earn us all a decent amount of money for doing the same thing's we've always been doing online.

I hope you liked this introduction and if your interested in finding out more information about them and if you would like to sign up then click on this link below

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Present Status of Agloco

AGLOCO with its inception in November 2006 is somewhere between 200,000 and 250,000 members right now. There are 700,000,000 Internet users out there. This means AGLOCO has less than 0.03% market penetration – or just 3 out of every 10,000 Internet users have joined AGLOCO so far – leaving 699,750,000 left to recruit.At this rate of growth AGLOCO will hit 1,000,000 members in April or May this year and 10,000,000 not until the end of 2007.

Join The Agloco Network

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How Popular is Agloco?

I just did a Google search on “AGLOCO” and got 1,420,000 pages of results (– (Note Google results can very by as much as 100,000 from one minute to the next I have noticed.)

What does 1,110,000 Google search pages mean? – That is what I decided to think about.

The first mention of AGLOCO on the Internet was on November 3, 2006 (by a blog called GigaOM) – 3 months ago . So it has been growing 10,000+ new pages a day more or less. But that does not really tell too much of a story. So I decided to o some ‘comparative shopping’.

I put “Kobe Bryant” in Google – got 1,880,000 – that is more than AGLOCO, but then he has been an NBA superstar for 10 years now. Give AGLOCO another 90 days and it will be bigger than Kobe on the Internet. (I tried Wilt Chamberlain too - 694,000 so AGLOCO has already passed up Wilt.)

I decided to try some more famous people: Queen Victoria 1,650,000 – you remember Queen of England for 68 years – long enough and powerful enough to have a moral standard after her “Victorian Era” and an architectural style “Victorian Houses” – AGLOCO should pass her on the Internet by May. I just did a Google search on “AGLOCO” and got 1,110,000 pages of results (– (Note Google results can very by as much as 100,000 from one minute to the next I have noticed.)

Now, what did I learn from all this? Well a lot more respect for the active AGLOCO community that already exists. In 90 days, they have already built the foundation for what might be the ‘next big thing’. Yes, it is fun to ‘beat up on’ an old golfer or an ex-president. But my thoughts go to the fact that AGLOCO is still in pre-launch. No product, no advertising. Nothing is pushing this company forward besides You and Me – the founding members.

What will it grow to? Well if I am right “the sky’s the limit.” YouTube - 123,000,000 (two years), eBay 390,000,000, (eleven years), and Google 892,000,000 (nine years). Wow, 892,000,000 in nine years – that is 100,000,000 new pages a year or about 300,000 pages a day 12,000 an hour. I better get this blog posted to add my one more page for Google.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Agloco How to?

All you have to to do is download their software (the agloco viewbar), it would install itself onto your browser, and as you surf the net, you are presented with relevant ads in your browsers toolbar. Businesses, advertisers pays agloco to display their ads in their viewbar, and you get paid when they are clicked, and a purchase is made. This has been how agloco advertise their get paid to surf program, by sharing the total revenue made by agloco and then split them between the members. Everyone wins - its just, some people will win more if they have more referrals.

There has been a lot of hype about agloco. It now has a million search result. A lot of blogs and websites has been made. So what’s with all the hype with agloco? Is this really a legit get paid to surf program? An internet pyramid scheme? I guess no. If you study closely the model behind agloco, this is what advertising should be in the first place. Sharing the revenue to everyone. Also, I discovered agloco tru a blog post by John Chow. A trusted internet mogul. Why shouldn't I join. Signing up is fast and its free. Nothing to lose. Bigger names were supporting it and they wouldn't risk their reputation to build their pyramid scheme right?

Join my Agloco network and Yes!, you will be able to create your own as well.


Interesting Agloco Updates

We set up AGLOCO to give the rewards to Members that they deserve, and this includes the rewards of building the company as a Founding Member. Naturally, as an AGLOCO founder you are getting an unusually candid look into the early activity of a start-up company. This includes both good and bad news, as well as an early look at (and some input into) the decisions that are usually made long before Members have a chance to see the issue at hand.

One of the many functions of the AGLOCO Company Blog is to field some questions posed in comments and elsewhere. I will talk about a few of those now.

First: No, Alice, I am not married and yes, I have a girlfriend. And for Bill, I work mainly on the Revenue team at AGLOCO (in the transactions area of revenue), but as with any small start-up company, most people help out in more than one area.

Forms of Payments to Members: AGLOCO will make cash payments to Members in various forms, always trying to minimize costs and balance that with Member convenience. Forms should include bank-to-bank (ACH), PayPal (and similar), credit to cards (like VISA), and checks in the mail. We will also try to pay in local currencies wherever possible (I heard the question on eGold and I do not have the answer yet).

Member Calculator: If you’ve taken a look at the AGLOCO website lately, you’ll notice that we’ve improved the Member Calculator page based on your suggestions. The mechanics of the calculator are the same, but we have clarified some of the text and added an example to illustrate how it might be used. Let us know what you think!

Viewbar Status: Here’s the quick report. The good news is that the Viewbar release is currently slated for March. And the bad news is the Viewbar release is currently slated for March.

Obviously, I have two minds when it comes to this. I really want the Viewbar out there. I want Members to start using it. I want advertisers and online merchants using it. And I want to start generating revenue for Members and the company.

On the other hand, I also want more time to get ready for the Viewbar. As a part of the AGLOCO Revenue team, I want to have more time to get more agreements in place so the Viewbar makes more money even at the start.

I hear two minds from Members as well. Some Members want the Viewbar out because it would help in recruiting, and because they are eager to start earning. Other Members have expressed that they do not want it out right now because they want more time to get their networks growing before the Viewbar attracts so much recruiting competition.

Thus my mixed feelings. I will try to keep you posted on this on a weekly or bi-weekly basis until it is released (if I bug the engineers too often, they ‘snarl’ at me).

Equity/shares: As stated in previous comments, due to legal restrictions in many countries regarding a discussion of a company’s equity/shares, sales, earnings, and other things of that nature, this blog unfortunately cannot address any of those issues. This would also be true if we were Google, Yahoo, IBM, Toyota, eBay, or any other company (basically, all companies have strict controls on making forward-looking statements on these topics).

How much will I make from AGLOCO? This question has the same legal restrictions regarding “earnings” as equity/stock. There are a number of Member studies and reports out there which give their opinions. I usually find them in a search of Technorati or Google Blogs.

Have a great day!

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team


An important read for those hesitant to sign up.

YouTube was acquired for $1.65 billion by Google in October 2006. The story of how three guys made hundreds of millions of dollars in one year is a great tale of entrepreneurial success. But what happened to the first users who posted their videos on the site and told their friends to do the same? We don't hear about them, because they did not get anything (other than free video hosting). Wasn't it really these users that helped turn YouTube into a multi-billion dollar company? Sure the site is great and the founders deserve all the credit they get, but it is the users who ultimately made it valuable. There are plenty of video sites, and if it wasn't YouTube, another site could have filled the space, become a household name and been acquired for an amazing price.

We are not trying to pick on YouTube (which we happen to love using). How about the early users of Skype? What about those who first downloaded the software, made calls to their friends in different countries and told their parents to use it as well? They did not see a penny of the $2.6 billion that eBay paid for the company in September 2005. And MySpace? How about the millions of members there? How did they do when News Corp. bought the company for almost $600 million? After all, it was the members that Rupert Murdoch was after when he purchased the site.

Quote from Agloco

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